What can we do to lower the risk of fall incidents?
In the last couple of years, the European PRECaiSE-consortium has worked on fall prevention. The team researched and developed a Decision-Support System as a basis for a targeted intervention to lower the risk of fall incidents.
Partners from research, elderly care and industry have joined their forces and established pilot projects to evaluate the Danish product in Italy, Norway, the Netherlands and Poland.
In this webinar the project and its results will be presented by the PRECaiSE-partners.
15h30 – Welcome and introduction
Arend Roos, ROOS health
15h35 – The clients
The basis of the project was engaging older citizens in a personal physical exercise program at home. Why does that make sense? What is the effect of exercising? How does it impact the risk of falling? And why is it delivered in the homes of people?
Mia Wedegren, Oslo Municipality
15h45 – The trainers
In the project there have been different setups. Interventions delivered by professional (home)care workers in Norway and The Netherlands. Interventions delivered by informal carers in Poland and Italy. What are the experiences?
Julia Sarah Scalioni, INRCA
15h55 – The technology
The PRECaiSE partners have developed a Decision-Support System to target those who have the highest risk of falling with interventions, which fit to their conditions. What is that about?
Michael Harbo, DigiRehab / Christian Marius Lillelund, Aarhus University